
10 Habits of Healthy people

There are many habits which distinguish healthy people from unhealthy. Here are the habits of some of the healthiest, fittest and most successful people who always make time for improving their lifestyle.

1. Positive attitude

Instead of wasting time and energy complaining about everything, healthy people tend to adopt an optimistic attitude more than unhealthy people. They look on the bright side of things and make the changes necessary to improve their circumstances in the long run.

Positive attitude

2. Health is a priority

Without health, you have nothing.  This is probably the most important habit. They make the time to take care of their mental and physical well being because they don’t take their health for granted.  They know this has a direct impact on their emotional well being.  Taking care of the mind, body and soul will help them become more balanced and better equipped to handle the daily stresses of life.

3.  Physical activity is a necessity

Physical activity goes hand in hand with making health a priority. In a study in the American Journal of Physiology, it found that 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day was just as effective as 60 minutes when it comes to weight loss.  With the sedentary lifestyle today, any movement is good movement. Humans are not made to sit for extended periods of time. Sitting has contributed to chronic aches, pains and injuries due to poor posture and frequent visits to the doctor.  If going to the gym or taking fitness classes is not your cup of tea, you can participate in a variety of recreational activities.  Also take the stairs, get up often from your desk or go for walks when possible.  This is just as important because it keeps you moving throughout the day.

4. No dieting

Healthy folks know that diets are quick-fixes and will never last. They prepare healthier meals ahead of time and indulge in unhealthy foods in moderation.  They are not restrictive because they’re aware that this will backfire on them instead.  Eating well is a lifelong endeavor where balance is the key to success.

5. Get adequate sleep

Those who suffer from the lack of sleep and sleep disorders are less productive, get sick more often, and increase their likelihood of accidents when compared to healthy people, according to the book Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation.  Sleep is vital to daily function. Regeneration and recovery occurs during this time so it’s important to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day.


6. Stretch 

As we get older, our flexibility decreases which can cause more aches and pains than we’d like.  Our posture suffers from sitting too much and the wear and tear takes a toll on our bodies. Stretching maintains joint health, flexibility in the muscles and flushes out byproducts and toxins.  Keeping ourselves limber will help us feel, move and function better in life.


7.  Meditate

Meditation not only lowers your blood pressure, it also changes your brain patterns through consistent practice.  See my previous blog for more details on “The Benefits of Meditation.”  A Harvard research study also finds that mindfulness and meditation can stress, anxiety and physical pain.


8. Laugh

Laughter is great for the soul and one of the best medicine out there. Not only does laughing reduce stress hormone levels, it lowers blood pressure, increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies.  Endorphins are released which promote an overall sense of well-being and can temporarily relieve pain.  What are you waiting for?  Laugh, smile and live longer!


9. Try something new

People who are open to consistently learning and willing to try different methods of training or nutrition plans will become more successful in achieving their health and fitness goals. Everyone is unique when it comes to his or her needs. There will be plateaus along the way as our bodies and metabolism change. Adjustments will be necessary as learning occurs through trial and error.

10. Unplug

From social media to emails, our smartphones are constantly running our lives.  It can become an unhealthy addiction with possible withdrawal symptoms.  According to most research, simply unplugging or going offline can reverse the negative consequences such as lack or productivity, a disconnect from social relationships and overall stress.  The brain is like a muscle and needs adequate recovery time in order to develop and grow.


No matter where you are at this stage of life, always make the time to take care of mental and physical health.  It’s never too late to improve your lifestyle!

Cindy Lai Fitness


Holistic Health Coach


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